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steel nails with bore hole | GST xxB

steel nails with bore hole | GST xxB

14,10 EUR

 inkl. 19 % USt  -> Preis zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit i.d. Regel ca. 0-4 Arbeitstage für Standardausführung

Art.Nr.: GSTxxB
installation length:
15 mm:
25 mm (+ 0,60 EUR) :
40 mm (+ 3,90 EUR) :

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GST 15B:
2 steel nails with bore hole, 15 mm long, Ø 3.8 mm, for direct connection of the measuring cable GMK 38

GST 25B: 2 steel nails with bore hole, 25 mm long, Ø 3.8 mm, for direct connection of the measuring cable GMK 38

GST 40B: 2 steel nails with bore hole, 40 mm long, Ø 3.8 mm, for direct connection of the measuring cable GMK 38

catalogue page as .pdf:




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